Because the artisan product costs more

Why choose a handmade product

The price of an object often contains a lot of information about the quality of the product.
A handmade product costs more than any of its industrial analogues, this is a fact and for various reasons.

Craft Product and Industrial Product

The industry can take advantage of large economies of scale to lower the final price both in the construction phase and in that of transport. The almost negligible shipping costs, per unit of product, make it convenient to relocate the factories and look for cheap labor.
The consequence is the abandonment of the territorial traditions typical of craft activities and the homologation of products, which all end up being the same on the national and international market.

In craftsmanship, production is concentrated on a few pieces, almost always made by hand or with machinery that focuses more on finishing than on large volumes.
The philosophy of craftsmanship is the transformation of the raw material which must take place in full respect of natural processes and times, without forcing.

It is therefore obvious that the cost per unit of product is extremely higher and that this affects the retail price.

Another feature that determines a large price difference and a gap that is difficult to bridge in the challenge of convenience between artisan and industrial products is the care and research of materials and finishes. On the contrary, the big brands invest the greatest care in marketing by penalizing the quality of the product.

“Artisan product” is not synonymous with Italian production, but it is also necessary to evaluate the weight that the degree of economic development and the tax burden have on the final price of an object sold in Italy. Craftsmanship is often paid for at a much higher price than a large-scale retail product, but the benefits are measurable in terms of quality and satisfaction for consumers, making the saying “whoever spends less spends” true.

prodotto artigianale

Characteristics of the handmade product

It is a “unique piece”.

Production can also be substantial but one product will never be identical to the other: the material, whatever it is, is worked by hand and for this reason it always takes on different shapes.

It is a “made to measure” object, it can be customized in size, if it is a dress or in color and dimensions, if we are talking about a piece of furniture.

It is worked “with your hands”, there are no emissions or machinery that consumes gas, water or electricity out of all proportion. In addition, aware of the value of the environment, many artisans also work with ecological or recycled materials, adding additional value to their production.

A handmade object costs the right because when we buy a handmade object we buy the idea, the project and the various tests done.
We buy a part of the craftsman, his passion, his time and his frustrations.

He is “meticulously cared for in the details that are precise and cared for with attention and time”.

A handmade product never results from approximation.

The Pipedesign values

Manual skills, craftsmanship, Made in Italy are the core values of Pipedesign’s identity.
With the necessary slowness of gestures, we compose objects designed to be of quick functional interpretation.
Buying a handmade product means first of all buying an experience that in itself is already worth the price of the same.
You pay for quality and it is right that it is so if we want “beautiful” objects that last over time.

It’s a matter of choices.

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